On 30 January 1933 Adolf Hitler was appointed German Chancellor. Shortly after his appointment, the Nazi state quickly became a regime that did not guarantee its citizens any fundamental rights. The Weimar Republic ended after the Nazis came to power. The Weimar Republic was the German parliamentary democracy established after the end of the First World War. The first concentration camps were established by the regime. Political opponents, homosexuals and other people classified as dangerous were imprisoned in the camps. In 1933 there were over 9 million Jews in Europe. Most of them resided in countries that would eventually be plundered by the Nazis. Nearly two out of three Jews were murdered in 1945 by the Nazi Party and its collaborators. The murder of Jews was part of the “Final Solution,” which is a Nazi policy. The National Socialist government established concentration camps at the beginning of the Nazi regime. The racial parties who were sent to concentration camps included Jews, Roma, and others. The SS and police officers sent them to Th...