Left Brain vs. Right Brain: How It Impacts Learning How do the left and right hemispheres impact learning? It's simple, they work together to get an equal connection through the corpus callosum to make our bodies work. The brain is a wonderful organ. It is the motherboard of our body, it organizes everything. It controls our thoughts, our actions and our commands. In this article I will talk about how the brain affects learning from both sides and the functions each side has to offer. In 1981 Dr. Roger W. Sperry received the Nobel Prize when he and his colleague studied epilepsy and epilepsy. trying to reduce or eliminate seizures, took a turn. He did the unthinkable and cut the corpus callosum that connects both sides of the brain and not only reduced seizures, but started a whole new area of study. The study aimed to see whether the functioning of both halves of the brain can function or improve over time to function well without the other hemisphere. His patients had some symptoms after having the Cherry procedure (2013). When the two hemispheres are surgically disconnected, the thought process of each is not accessible to conscious and deliberate recovery from the other's point of view. (Newman, Banks, and Baars (2003)) The left brain or left cerebral hemisphere is the side of the brain that is logical. Check speech, language and analyze all incoming information Cherry (2013). These patients have the ability to recognize people's names rather than faces Cherry (2013). The left hemisphere usually has prior control over the main stream of bodily activity (Newman, Banks, and Baars (2003 p. 838)). The left cerebral hemisphere is superior to complex language and expresses...... middle of paper ......(1981) Personal CommunicationLevy, J (1979) Human Cognition and Lateralization of Cerebral Function Trends in neuroscienceMerzenich, M. M, Tattal, PA, Jenkins, WM and Miller, SL (1996) Science learning: left versus right: what your brain hemispheres are really capable of receiving from: http://www.scilearn.com/blog/left- brain -right-brain-hemispheres.phpNewman, J.B., Banks, W.P., & Baars, B.J. (2003). Essential sources in the scientific study of consciousness. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press. Webb, G. M. (1983). Left/right brain, teammates in learning. Exceptional Children, Article 49(6), 508-515.Zaidel, E (1978) Auditory Language Comprehension in the Right Hemisphere after Cerebral Commissurotomy and Hemispherectomy in Language Acquisition and Language breakdown.In A. Caramazza & E, Zurif (eds.) Parallels and Divergences, Baltimore, John Hopkins Press