Goals of therapy: Goals vary depending on context and theoretical orientation. A radical behaviorist has the goal of increasing a desired behavior and decreasing an unwanted behavior (typically the goal in a school setting). The goals of social cognitive theory include changing distorted cognitions and unwanted or maladaptive behaviors. 8. Empirical evidence: Behavior therapy since its foundation has measured observable events using empirical and qualitative studies. A study conducted by Ehlers et al (2004) found that Ethler and Clark's CBT model for treating PTSD significantly reduced (p < .0005 on all measures) a group's PTSD symptoms experimental compared to a control group. 9. Strengths and Limitations: Behavioral therapists address observable behaviors regardless of race, ethnicity, and SES. One limitation I have seen in schools is that non-dominant cultures in the United States may accept behavior that may be considered inappropriate in the United States. A school psychologist may be involved to modify these behaviors even if they are not maladaptive in the culture of