The relationship between Ignatius and Myrna in A Confederacy of Dunces One of the most unique and strange relationships in modern literature exists between Ignatius Reilly and Myrna Minkoff, the two perceived dupes in John Kennedy Toole A confederacy of dunces. The correspondence between them runs throughout the novel. At first, Ignatius feels a certain air of superiority over her, but she feels he has lost touch with reality, and his suggestions begin to control her actions as she tries to win at her own game. He really cares and writes his opinion on how to transform his life. In three separate attempts to quiet his incessant criticism and suggestions, he listens to her advice, each time failing miserably and causing himself greater adversity. Yet, at the end of the novel, with comic irony, she saves him from mental and physical imprisonment. At the beginning of the reader's relationship and the association between Ignatius and Myrna, Ignatius writes a selfish letter to explain his business adventures. and big plans for Levy Pants. Ignatius explains, “I already have several excellent ideas, and I know that, for example, I will ultimately convince Mr. Levy to decide to put his heart and soul into the company” (p. 90). In Ignatius' fantasy world, he honestly assumes that his changes will cause a revolutionary transformation in Levy Pants. He believes his innovative gimmicks can transform the forgotten Levy Pants into a Fortune 500 company, and he writes to Myrna in an attempt to clarify and strengthen his deranged worldview. Reality does not allow for Ignatius' idealized rebirth of the factory, but Ignatius fails to see the actuality of the situation and... in the middle of the paper... r Myrna physically enters his life. She saves his mind and body from imminent institutionalization. Relationships sometimes have profound effects on the people in them. At the beginning of the novel, Ignatius feels great superiority over Myrna. However, as the relationship between them develops through the novel, it causes an enormous amount of difficulty in his life, due to Myrna's critical letters to Ignatius and her persistence in following his advice. Like a bad boy unable to learn the lesson and consequences of his actions, Ignatius continues his quest to fulfill Myrna's suggestions on three separate occasions, each ending in horrible failure. Yet, ironically, Myrna becomes Ignatius's only escape from a troubled life by following Myrna's advice. His letters affect Ignatius in a way that only his car and body can remedy.