John Steinbeck's short story “The Chrysanthemums” focuses on Eliza and her relationship with her husband Henry. Critic Gregory Palmerino sheds light on their relationship problems. He argues: “everywhere there is conflict in 'The Chrysanthemums,' but nowhere is there struggle. This absence of friction prevents the relationship between Enrico and Elisa from progressing, whether as lovers, as partners or as parents” (Palmerino 1). What Palmerino doesn't focus on is where these deep-rooted communications come from. Because the ideology of patriarchy is so ingrained in both Elisa and her husband, Elisa feels she cannot communicate with her husband or even with herself. In this text, patriarchal ideology is reinforced by the way the characters are presented and their interactions with each other. At the beginning of the story, Steinbeck addresses the weather and we see that a thick fog covered the land: "It was a time of silence and waiting […] the farmers moderately hoped for good rain before long; but fog and rain do not go together ” (Steinbeck 438) It is important to note that the weather is introduced before our two main characters, foreshadowing the type of relationship they have: “ The natural elements of the foothills and the ranch seem just as reluctant to confront each other as the characters who inhabit their surroundings” (Palmerino 1). To extend this symbol to feminism, the fog symbolizes the patriarchal male; surface of the earth just as the male consumes the female. rain is Elisa; he is passive and cannot face the fog just as the patriarchal female who submits to the male cannot face him.... half of the paper... discord and , ultimately, every possibility of progress” ( Palmerino 2). Elisa is clearly dissatisfied with her life but will not face this unhappiness. She hides her emotions from her husband. Just like the rain that never comes to face the fog, Elisa will never be able to change her position in life; she will always submit to her husband and be caged in a marriage with a man who shows very little interest in her as a woman. Their marriage will never move forward and both individuals will remain unhappy. Patriarchal thinking is strengthened and Elisa will never have the life she wants. Works Cited Palmerino, Gregory J. "Steinbeck's 'The Chrysanthemums'." Explainer 62.3 (2004): 164-167. MLA international bibliography. EBSCO. Claire Carney Library.Steinbeck, John. "The chrysanthemums." The stories of seagull readers. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, Inc., 2008. 437-448.