Administrative progressives developed a theory to adapt to the rise of business. They believed in a system where students would learn the skills needed for future employment in factories. Administrative progressives didn't necessarily care about students, but they fought for a system that ran smoothly and produced effective workers for factories. Rury states that administrative progressives worked to “adapt schools to the rapidly evolving urban society, particularly the increasingly complex job market” (Rury 150). Administrative progressives were motivated to create an educational system that was both business- and student-friendly. Businesses benefited from administrative progressive theory because they obtained quality workers to work in factories. Students benefited from progressive administrative theory because they were taught skills for the future job in which they would eventually be employed. The path a student had to follow to get a job was based on the social role he or she was in. Rury states that “role differentiation was associated with the broadening of the division of labor and specialization in the labor market and professions. …. schools could help make specialization and differentiation work more rationally and easily by preparing individuals