It is obvious that Bush regarded and approached the dissemination of information as a science as much as physics or engineering, and that he was first and foremost a scientist. (He also looked like Max von Sydow, but that's beside the point.) Throughout “As We May Think,” the comparisons are there, and he speaks highly of the sciences and the benefits they have brought to our world. He recognized that the sciences and their results are only as good as the ability scientists have to record their findings and share them with the rest of the world, and that at the time the article was written, the methods for recording, l The storage and retrieval of such information was grossly insufficient. However, how information storage and retrieval could benefit libraries just for the sake of librarianship seemed almost like an afterthought to him, and he mentions libraries only a few times in the entire document. The true purpose of his work seemed to be to bring to light how the scientific community desperately needed better ways to manage its vast amounts of current and future information so that future scientists could derive maximum benefit from it. His answer to this gap was the memex. Bush thought about everything in terms of how it could be improved using not only the methods that existed at the time, but also all the possibilities that might be developed in the future. In this article, he amazingly predicted the invention of the Polaroid camera, introduced by the founder of the Polaroid Corporation only two years after the publication of this article. (“Instant Camera,” 2010) He used the way the telephone system worked at the time to explain how future information retrieval systems might work. In of Bush's document...the inking includes XML (Extensible Markup Language) and RDF (Resource Description Framework). Bush was truly a pioneer in his time. Although the development of the memex he envisioned was never realized in his lifetime, many of the ideas behind it have played a huge role in our technological advances. Thus Vannevar Bush has forever earned a place in the history of technology. Works Cited Bush, Vannevar. (1994, April). How can we think. Retrieved January 14, 2010, from Camera. (2010, January 14). Retrieved January 14, 2010, from Wikipedia: (2009, December 12). January 16, 2010, from Wikipedia: Bush. (2005, November 6). Retrieved January 14, 2010 from the Pioneers website: