Abortion has been a controversial and debated topic for years. Women and young adolescents should have the final say if they feel the need to keep or abort an unwanted child. The case of Roe v. Wade marked the legalization of abortion by a supreme court, which started the abortion debate. Educating women and young adolescents about the dangers of abortion will help them make safe decisions about abortion and the many alternatives to consider before aborting a baby. The pros and cons of this debatable topic raise serious questions about why women and young adolescents consider abortion and up to what period of time after conception the embryo is considered a life. A woman has the right to consider many options to deal with unplanned pregnancies that may be the last burden they do not want to take on during a difficult time. Many women and young adolescents become pregnant at a time in their lives when they are still maturing and would prefer to terminate a pregnancy because they feel they are not ready for the additional responsibility that a child brings and want to continue receiving an education with ease instead of the stress of having to juggle many responsibilities all at once. “Being a single parent can disrupt your career and ability to earn a salary if you experience complications in meeting household bills.” (Lowen, 2014). Because we live in a society that judges and assigns status to people, some young mothers avoid becoming young single mothers so as not to face parental disapproval. “Abortions have been declining lately following the introduction of long-term contraceptives such as intrauterine devices and this may also be due to the recent recession and the unpredictability of the economy.” (Eckholm, 2014). Thanks to adoption agencies instead of abortion... middle of paper... Bama has approved severe restriction laws that would prevent women from being able to terminate an unwanted pregnancy six weeks after conception, but only in the case of some serious exceptions" . (Benen, 2014). These bills present shocking questions that can be debated if the rights of women and young adolescents are denied some rights under the constitution. My point of view when it comes to abortion refers to the situation in which serious problems occur that put the life of the future mother at risk. . In some matters, such as when women or young adolescents are raped, they should be given the opportunity to terminate the unwanted pregnancy following a criminal act. Women and young adolescents using abortion as a way to escape responsibility resulting from immature actions is not right due to adoption agencies offering services that would place children with loving families and give them a chance at life..