1. Introduction:In recent decades, the notion of language and the brain has been highlighted in several scientific fields such as: neurology, cognitive science, linguistic biology, technology and finally education.Recently, research findings highlight that the brain is a parallel processor that it can perform many types of tasks at the same time. Therefore, engaging language and the brain will help develop the process of acquiring and learning a second language. Indeed, it is important to understand that: “The brain continues to be a new frontier. Our old way of doing school is fading fast as our understanding of the brain increases. Everything you do uses your brain, and everything in school involves students' brains. It's the most relevant understanding educators can have right now." (Jensen, 2008). In this article the author will present an overview of the field of neurolinguistics which is the study of the mental faculties involved in the perception, production and acquisition of language. In other words, the neurobiological factors that allow humans to acquire, use, understand and produce language. Besides that, the author will discuss the fact of neutral learning and language acquisition and finally how to use a brain-based learning approach to develop the second language learning process.2.The human brainSecond (Fromkin, Rodman , & Hyams2007), "The brain is the messenger of understanding and the organ through which we specially acquire wisdom and knowledge" (p.43) In this part, the author will highlight the importance of the biological and neural foundations of 'language learning by discussing the following: First, the anatomy of the brain. Second, l...... middle of paper......., & Ay, S. (2008). “Different Approaches – Common Implications: Brain-Based and Constructivist Learning from Paradigms and Integral Model Perspective.” Journal of Turkish Science Education 5.3 (2008): 124-129. Turkish Science Education Journal (TUSED). Network. March 3, 2014.Koizumi, H. (2004). ScienceDirect.com - Brain and Development - The concept of brain development: a new natural science for learning and education. ScienceDirect. Retrieved April 1, 2014, from http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/piiPlontke, R. (2003, March 13). Chemnitz UT. TU Chemnitz: - Technische Universität Chemnitz. Retrieved April 1, 2014, from http://www.tu-chemnitz.de/en/Willis, J. (2008). Teaching the brain to read: Strategies for improving fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension. Alexandria, Virginia: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.