Topic > Author's representation of societies mental outlook...

Conduct is taught at a young age when a parent wants the child to live up to certain standards; However, not everyone follows their parents' expectations. As people age, different phases begin to appear; either the phase changes the personality or the person overcomes this phase and continues to live with life. Every person is different and behavior patterns influence some age groups more than others. Mental illness forces children and adults to discover the negativity of life and drugs to act appropriately with those around them. Lack of self-control with medications will lead to consequences depending on the person's thought process. Modern authors describe people with mental illnesses and the challenges to impossible recovery and the perspectives of those without mental illnesses. Therefore, the pressure that mental illness exerts in a school environment. Many children who develop mental illness are misunderstood. The student in particular who always turns in homework on time begins to stall; according to one student, “my parents asked me why I had failed to do any homework despite sitting at my desk for several hours” (Shields 43). This information indicates that the student seems lazy or does not understand the assigned work, however the problem with the student is that the emotions do not correspond to the state of concentration sufficient to complete a task. The other problem is that the student may not understand the issue of mental illness. The degrees begin to alternate in two different directions. The student who received excellent grades on the report card began to show out-of-the-ordinary results, which is the feeling of failing, “a first semester of A's and a B and then Cs and a D for the second semester that person would probably say that they were two different people” (47). A student resuming studies may experience a severe change in behavior, which if left untreated; the student will not graduate and will begin to fall back on school life. Interacting with peers is starting to be a difficult task. Social communication is a necessity in daily life, without it a person will encounter problems when speaking in the future. According to one psychologist, students with mental illness develop problems when they “talk to other students, take notes or discuss assignments, participate in class, meet students outside of class, chat with other students during class breaks, and make friends” (Mueser).