Many women feel like they spend a lot of time trying to determine which hair products will meet their touted claims of creating luxurious locks. Sorting through the hype, expense, and potential benefits of various brands and types of shampoo can be frustrating. However, some people have given up on decision making entirely. The “no 'poo” movement of people not using shampoo or hair care products is growing at a faster rate than you might expect, considering the amount of products lining the shelves. No, most adherents of this lifestyle did not wake up one morning, run out of shampoo and decide that it was simply not worth deciding which product to buy. Instead, people who choose not to poop have several reasons for forgoing shampoo. Money. While there are many less expensive options, some products can be quite expensive. However, even when focusing carefully on budget, most people don't avoid shampoo for economic reasons. Using baking soda mixed in water or a vinegar and water rinse are better for the environment than cre...