Topic > arc (Zikmund et al., 2013). Applied business research is conducted to solve a specific business problem faced by a typical business entity. For example, the top management of McDonald's in Hong Kong may be interested in exploring the feasibility of adding a fun rice bowl to their menu to increase sales. Basic business research is conducted without any set goal in mind and is not initiated to solve a specific business problem faced by a typical business entity. It attempts to improve our existing knowledge and is not intended to address any particular problem. For example, the human resources manager may be interested in exploring the relationship between absenteeism and staff turnover. Basic research can be used to test the validity of a theory (e.g., agency theory) and its application t...... middle of article ...... ewin, K. ( 1952). Field theory in the social sciences: Selected theoretical articles by Kurt Lewin. London: Tavistock.4. University of Oxford (2013). What is plagiarism? Available at: Accessed 23 March 2014.5. The World Bank (2011), What is social capital?,,contentMDK:20185164~menuPK:418217~pagePK:148956~piPK:216618~theSitePK:401015,00.html Accessed March 23 20146. Wasserman, Stanley; Faust, Catherine (1994). “Social Network Analysis in the Social and Behavioral Sciences.” Social network analysis: methods and applications. Cambridge University Press. pages 1–27. ISBN 9780521387071.7. Zikmund, W. G., Babin, B. J., Carr, J. C., & Griffin, M. (2013). Business research methods (9th ed.). Mason, OH: Southwestern.