Decapsulation of mold packages, made simple! Mechanical decapsulation of microelectronic packages with PetroThin offers numerous advantages. You can easily prepare metal and ceramic packages that are resistant to chemical attack It is possible to decapsulate multiple packages at once Decapsulate large packages up to 2"x2" in size Multi-layer stacked matrix is removed quicklyPetroThin enables a fast, accurate and repeatable way of thinning to within +5 microns, prior to a final chemical etch .A possible additional application would be to remove a layer of chips from a stack. If a failure has occurred in a layer other than the top layer, the focus will be on removing these layers. Buehler's announcement appeared in the journals Microscopy Today and Electronic Device Failure Analysis. Discusses using PetroThin to decapsulate printed electronic packages and assemblies. Since this is a new application for Buehler, I wanted to give you some information on how it is used. Many failure analysis laboratories remove the packaging material covering the electronic circuit. If non-destructive localization techniques are unsuccessful or not precise enough, decapsulation is performed to conduct electrical measurements or verification. The process is used for large and small packaging and assemblies encapsulated with a blend of a variety of cured epoxy resins and molding compounds that are resistant to conventional chemical etching methods. PetroThin is also ideal for removing these epoxy and metal coated packages or multiple packages at once. Keep in mind that mechanical decapping will only remove material within 10-15 microns of the circuit. Chemical decapsulation......middle of paper......colleague. The newest version of the X-mill costs ≈$90,000 well above the PetroThin. Both of these mechanical systems will need to use a chemical decapsulation system to fully expose the circuit. Nisene Technology Group markets a chemical system called JetEtch and their newer system, OmniEtch, which is also retardant. There are also laser decapsulation systems which are very expensive but are available. Control Systemation offers a unit called the F/A Lit. At this time, we do not have competitive pricing information on any of these systems. Our laboratory contributed to the development of this application and can also answer any questions. We sold PetroThin for this application. Customers have appreciated the ease of use and the speed with which they can decapsulate multiple packages. For further technical information you can contact us at