Workplace relationships and motivations are an important aspect faced by all organizations, a person's level of motivation within an organization will determine how in which he or she behaves or contributes as an employee to the achievement of the objectives established by the organization. Like bullying, motivation is another complex phenomenon. Motivation is a set of psychological processes, it is generally considered an internal state that initiates and maintains goal-directed behavior (Mayer, 2011). There are many motivation factors that determine the level of motivation of any person within an organization. Likewise, there are factors that influence loss of motivation. A major factor affecting loss of motivation is workplace bullying. Several studies have been conducted to explore the relationship between employee motivation and performance. It is evident that when an employee is motivated towards a task, his performance in that task will therefore be at its best, contributing to the achievement of organizational objectives. Chughtai et al. (2010) identified organizational contribution and commitment as the result of motivation that contributes to workplace performance. Chughtai et al. further explains that the concept of motivation is explained through the satisfaction of employee needs and when employees are motivated they are