Topic > Dualism - 841

Descartes supports dualism, the mind is completely independent from the body and vice versa. We get the sense that this kind of dualism exists when we say, “I am a mind with a body.” Descartes argues that the self exists in consciousness and that the body is simply a machine controlled by the mind. Furthermore, dualists support their argument by comparing the essences of both mind and body; the mind is indivisible and free and the body is infinitely divisible and is determined by the laws of the physical universe. This would make them seem like separate entities. The appeal of dualism lies in the indivisibility of the mind, if we are only our consciousness, this means that when our body dies, consciousness can still exist. In this article I will explain the appeal of dualism and then why it should be rejected. Furthermore, I recognize that there are many different branches of monism, but they will not be discussed here due to length constraints, rather I will argue in favor of monism as a whole. There is an appeal to dualism that religion and popular culture address, that is, we exist independently of the body. It appeals to our common sense; the self is not the body, but our consciousness and if we change the body we are still ourselves. We can imagine being in a different body, but we cannot imagine having a different consciousness. We act in the physical world and can act in our minds, independently of the physical universe. The advantage of a dualist belief is that we exist beyond our mortal bodies and can continue to exist despite the death of our bodies. Furthermore, dualists argue that if our mind were just a result of the body, then how would the subjective thoughts of the world be explained? Why a person may find spicy food enjoyable... middle of paper...r, I disagree with this notion because each of us has different brain wiring. If everyone had the same wiring, everyone would experience the same emotions or feelings when exposed to the same stimuli. However, through a person's different experiences from birth to today and their inherent biology, the brain has created a neural network that is slightly different than everyone else's. Assuming that everyone has the same experience when faced with a stimulus would be like assuming that all balls, from a new red tire to an old bowling alley, would react the same way to the same stimulus because they are all balls. The reason why dualism cannot be corrected is because without the body there can be no mind. If the mind is not free to leave the body when the body is alive, then why should it suddenly be free once the body is dead? I cannot accept the idea that my consciousness exists without my body.