Introduction“As for you, be fruitful and increase in number; multiply in the earth and increase in it." -Genesis 9:7 (NIV, 2011) This is the verse that started it all. The verse that caused the greatest misunderstanding that mankind will never understand. The verse that changed the worldview and moral vision of our countrymen on the preciousness and importance of life that led others to have 6, 7, 8 or 21 family members living on the same roof. And the verse that takes us to the biggest problem that is inevitable for each of us – the endless overpopulation of the world. This issue of moral and social views in overpopulation extends to every part of the world. Based on the documents of the Holy Father, “Certainly, we will not deny that this or that region is currently burdened by a relatively excess population, the desire to resolve the difficulty by a formula according to which the number of inhabitants should be regulated according to public economy is equivalent to subverting the order of nature and the entire psychological world. and moral that is. tied to it. What a mistake it would be to attribute the current miseries of the world to natural law, when it is clear that these derive from the lack of mutual solidarity of men and peoples!” (Zimmerman, 1957). But the Italian Catholic Union of Midwives took a stand against overpopulation by proposing the use of the modern method called contraceptives. As reported by Zimmerman (1957), unfortunately, cases are not rare in which even a cautious reference to children as a "blessing" is enough to provoke outright denial and perhaps even derision. Much more frequent, in thought and words, is the attitude of considering children a heavy "bu...... middle of paper ......nds. (2012). 1-16.Ijaiya, Y. (nd Effects of overcrowded classrooms on teacher-student interactions. 1-12. Rivera-Batiz, FL & Marti, L. (1995, January). Schools. 1-22. Simon, JL & Pilarski AM (1979, November). The effect of population growth on the amount of education received by children The Review of Economics and Statistics, 61(4), 572-584. Spellings, M. (n.d.). Effects of overpopulation: negative population growth United Nations. 2003: The Concise Report. New York, AL (1957, March). The American Catholic Sociological Review, 18(1), 10-32. Zwane, B. (1975).(49), 53-63.