The budget is a simple plan that outlines all your income versus all your expenses on a monthly basis. Accountability is successful implementation and personal budget must be supported responsibly. A realistic and targeted timetable must be established from the beginning to ensure the desired results are achieved. The calendar is obviously determined by the expected date for the introduction of the personal budget. At a basic level, our personal budget will provide an accurate picture of our income versus department, monthly expenses and savings. It is also essential, when creating our budget, to remember that we are trying to achieve balance between the various parts of our financial picture. When we create a personal budget we will add our past expenses and our personal departments. There are many types of methods and tools available to create, use and modify a personal budget. A budget allocates or distributes expected income, expected expenses, and intended savings. A good personal budget requires an honest financial assessment, but most people creating a personal budget are taking a hard look at how much money they spend for the first time. The main goal of personal budgeting is to minimize expenses and maximize savings – it's a simple theory. We can reduce our unnecessary needs and increase our savings every month. After a month we can calculate exactly how much money we can save if we establish a creative budget. Perhaps the most important ingredient of a successful personal budget is commitment. The budget requires the active participation of the whole family. (D.Roos, February 2014)ContentsMany feel they don't really need it. At the same time, others simply don't want to control their spending. With this in mind there is no doubt that personal bankruptcies are important enough to prevent all avoidable expenses and this will help you save in a year. Another thing is that we can draw up a budget, but the main thing is to follow the family budget. Because sooner or later we will spend more money on the items we have budgeted for and we will get frustrated. We should always use our budget as a good guide. Keep in mind that a budget is only a tool to help recognize what we can afford and where our money is going. (E.Blaney,2013) Resources1. Sir.W.Scott.1882.Rebuilding your credit.CA2. E.Blaney.2013.The Wall Street Journal.The experts: is creating a personal budget a good idea?. R.Leonard and M.Reiter.2103.Credit repair.LA4. D.Roose.Feb.2014.Article:Personal budget.5. R.Leonard,JD2013.Solve your financial problems.CA