Life is a short journey that every human being must undertake. But why do people stop thinking about their importance in society? Why do they forget that this vast world has a special space reserved for their role or thought? As tiny drops of water form a sea, as small components of particles come together from their unity and make up a planet, God has given us the opportunity to change this world in a small way but with our thoughts and not with those of others . saying the above sentence I remember a story that my mother told me when I was in the seventh grade, there was a man on the seashore who threw a starfish one by one, seeing this man a boy came and asked him what he was trying to Do? The man replied that he is making a difference in the sea. The boy laughed at the man and said: How can you make a difference by doing this? The man threw a starfish into the ocean and said, “I made a difference to that.” Every man, every human being serves our gigantic society and shapes himself in a way we have today. For example, a taxi driver assists the public to their desired destination or location. But there must be a question in your mind: what about a student, what role does he/she have because he/she is not a qualified person till now? Well, the answer to this question is very simple; we students also have obligatory and varied roles in society. Students like me have small jobs that become a chore. Giving a smile to a stranger that can brighten their day is a small step towards a great role. For example, my neighbor is an elderly citizen, I gave her a smile and it made her day, she feels that there is someone always with her, someone who supports her in all her difficulties. I don't have to deal with a big...... middle of Website: .htmlMore information at Gandhi. (n.d.). Retrieved February 16, 2014, from website: Learn more at m/mahatmagan150710.html#ECKV82glRhfLQbZs.99McLeod, S.A. (2008). Social roles. Retrieved from, ND Retrieved February 13, 2014, from Website:, Molly. "Are the roles of men and women in society changing?" October 05, 2010. February extract 14, 2014