Society dies when individuality dies Conformity plagues a person's existence and stature in today's society. Due to government intervention in the daily lives of citizens, many writers have questioned the morality of conformity in a society through the means of control. When control becomes rampant, fascist and totalitarian governments are formed, and due to the rise of fascism and totalitarianism, many people have been led to conform to social ideals. Therefore, George Orwell criticizes conformity within society through the use of Big Brother, the Proles, and Winston. Orwell explores the social impact of government through the means of Big Brother and how it affects social conformity. Big Brother is a character presented in the novel who exercises restrictions and Winston writes “Down with Big Brother” (Orwell 19). From the beginning of the novel readers see Winston's extreme disgust towards the government. He expresses opinions that not a few in society will express. Winston rebels against the government to find meaning in his life. His journey to find individuality shows his expression of freedom that no one else has expressed. As Alex McGuinnis, a professional academic writer part of the Professional Development Collection, discusses the language "Allness" used by Big Brother to control a populous and perpetuate conformity within a society. As McGuinnis states, “whole thinking is especially dangerous because those who most frequently influence our minds are people who are constantly part of groups that use the whole” (108). This quote shows how Big Brother has used the language “Everything” to control people in society. Many times Winston is critical when talking about Big Brother and for showing nonconformity and resistance towards the regime. Tyner continues to show how Winton's small actions show resistance against a tyrannical regime. Winston challenges all social behaviors, such as expressing his thoughts in his diary and deciding to have a relationship with Julia even if he faces government punishment. Additionally, readers see that the language “Allness” is used and taught to younger generations to influence them from the earliest stages of development. Winston's change and expressions were a tiny resistance towards the entire society, but they still provide an example of an individual choosing not to conform to society's standards. Orwell expresses how, despite a tiny resistance to conformity, it is not possible to break free from it without the help of a whole