Lasts a fraction of a second/2 seconds. Example: Try to learn all the numbers that make up pi. Most people only remember 3.14159, but can't remember the rest. Short-term memory: short storage of used information. It lasts less than 30 seconds. Example: When you receive an address and quickly try to remember it until you can write it down. Long-term memory: permanent storage. It lasts from a few minutes to a lifetime. Example: Remembering events related to your first trip to the dentist. How do you prepare for an exam? After reviewing the information in your memory text, do you feel you need to change your attitude or change your study habits? How does the research support this? I usually prepare for an exam by making flashcards and reviewing my notes. I may need to change my study habits using the chunking method. This way, it could help with memorization. I can create acronyms to remember different types of learning. The research supports why researchers say that by associating information with a type of meaning, memory capacity is increased. Which brain structures are associated with memory? Why is long-term empowerment so important? What types of memory loss occur in amnesia and