Topic > Functionalist point of view on the role and functions of...

Functionalist View on the Role and Functions of Religion in Society Evaluate the view that sociological arguments and evidence support the functionalist view of the role and functions of religion in contemporary society. Functionalists believe that religion is a conservative force and an institution that adds to the needs of society. They claim that it ultimately functions as a socialization agency. Durkheim (1912) stated that all societies are separated into the profane and the sacred and that religion is a combined structure composed of beliefs and practices associated with sacred objects. Durkheim also stated that religion is used as a collective conscience to avoid anomie. Bellah agreed with Durkheim, although he linked religion to modern society and civil religion. Malinowski disagreed with Durkheim, stating that religion was a coping strategy to avoid anxiety-provoking situations rather than a societal cult. Religion, for example, can console those who find themselves facing a traumatic situation such as death. Stark and Bainbridge also stated that religion is a "compensator" that offers a "plausibility structure" for socially destructive circumstances. (For example mourning) Parsons argued that religion is used to promote consensus on values ​​in America. He also agreed with Malinowski that religion relieves tension and frustration. Berger, who examined the idea of ​​phenomenology, stated that religion functions as a sacred canopy and focuses on the individual. In relation to the development of religion in modern society, functionalism suggests that religion relieves tension and frustration. the division of labor will prove more complicated and this… middle of paper… Functionalism concludes that religion represents collective consciousness, which makes social life feasible. Religion also promotes social unity and brings members of society together. They further add that religion ultimately helps individuals cope with life by providing them with a feeling of confidence and enthusiasm. Durkheim has been criticized for his definition of religion and sociologists have asked: "is it possible to have a society without religion?", and "if so, what maintains social solidarity in society?". Analyzing sociological topics such as Marxism and feminism, I conclude that although these views share some of the functionalist views on the role and functions of religion in contemporary society, overall they have different views on religion and its effect on society.