Diane Gibson discusses how generally negative examples of older women in the media are due to a reflection of real social values that disenfranchise women in the real world, further reinforcing these images negative (Gibson 1996 ). Jodi Brooks recognizes the marginal roles relegated to older women who carry with them not only their physical age but also their social age, burdened with the burden of representing themselves in their prime while trying to inhabit the present (Brooks 1999). Some of these negative media representations commonly include: the invisibility of older women, the sexual unsuitability of older women, the dislike of older women, and the tendency to turn these older women into villains (Dolan 2003). The invisibility of older actresses can be understood as Josephine Dolan describes: "... the pattern of refusing to cast older female stars in significant roles, or to cast them as marginal characters or pathological figures" (Dolan 2003, p 343), Dolan explains the exclusion of older women in leading roles as the combination of the male gaze and the youthful gaze, expecting both traditional femininity and “natural” youth. Older actresses often seek surgeries and procedures that alter their appearance to preserve youth and flaunt "successful aging" by defining what it means to grow old (Dolan