We may have learned a lot from past mistakes, but we still have much research to complete to further increase the effectiveness of various therapies. Psychologists now recognize that numerous disorders exist and that each may require an entirely distinct type of therapy. This realization has led to numerous specialties and areas of interest. In fact the term “clinical psychology” is today too simplistic and excessively generalizing. Therapists may specialize in humanistic therapy, a type of therapy focused on achieving client self-actualization. Another therapist might specialize in cognitive behavioral therapy, where they might encourage a client to analyze thoughts and feelings with the intent of changing behavior. We find ourselves in an exciting moment for Clinical Psychology because we have so many resources: we can analyze our past, recognizing the heritage of clinical practice, and at the same time recognize new therapeutic techniques and new specialties. Ultimately, as long as practitioners continue to improve the client experience, this forward movement will strengthen our practice and, in turn, strengthen the firm as a society.