Associating boys with dogs, only “less hairy and usually taller,” Barry describes that they simply cannot follow any set of moral rules. Those kids are aware of what they need to do but simply can't stay focused long enough to comply. Going one step further than most people would dare to link the man's immorality to a situation directly involving his counterpart. Barry creates a scenario in which the only possible way men could be faithful to their mate is if men are "eaten by their mates immediately after copulation." Any other possibility will constitute the inevitable violation of fidelity. He concludes his manslaughter to show the reader the positive side of this dilemma. Kids don't violate morality on purpose, no, they're simply too inconsistent to be able to follow the imposed rules. But the carnage doesn't stop there. Barry steps in on the side of women by recognizing that all the moral codes that society deems right and wrong, all the standards by which it used to vilify the male name, were created by women solely to keep men in