“To Kill a Mockingbird” is a novel written by Harper Lee, which follows from the eyes of a young girl, Scout Finch, the results of prejudice in a town of the deep south of the United States, Maycomb county. Jem Finch, Scout's older brother, clearly develops over the course of the novel, as a result of discrimination between two central characters. At the beginning of the novel, Jem Finch, along with Scout and their friend Dill, are immature due to their young age. This is demonstrated by how they believe the rumors about Arthur 'Boo' Radley, which describe him as a "malevolent ghost" who eats dead rabbits and cats, as well as attacking his mother with a pair of scissors. Children have no reason to believe these rumors, but they still consider them true. They even enjoy creating stage shows about Boo Radley. To the reader, these rumors are clearly false, even his nickname “boo”, which suggests that he is a ghost, who does not exist, shows us that these rumors are false. Despite this, the children's point of view is understandable: they grew up in a place with enormous amounts of prejudice...