Nowadays you can't go to the supermarket without seeing or hearing the word "organic", but what does organic mean. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary it means, relating to, production or use of foods produced with the use of feed or fertilizers of plant or animal origin without the use of chemically formulated fertilizers, growth stimulants, antibiotics or pesticides. Given this definition it is possible to identify what organic food is but it does not shed light on what organic means. Many people buy organic foods and don't even have a reason to do so. “I hear it's best for you,” they might reply. Organic food is actually no more nutritious than conventionally grown (i.e. chemically fertilized, etc.) food. (Science 2.0, July 29, 2009) While there may be no difference nutritionally, the methods of producing organic and conventional foods are quite different, as explained in the definition above. The organic growing method is much better for the environment and, in turn, better for us, the human race. The question here is not whether organic farming can feed the world or not, but how much longer the planet will be able to survive the effects of conventional agricultural methods. Organic and sustainable agriculture must harness its potential to feed the world so that the world can continue to prosper. The use of chemicals on conventional products may not make it to our tables, but it shows up elsewhere. It leaves traces in our water, our air and our soil. Over time the nitrogen fertilizers used eventually kill the soil they are supposed to make fertile. According to a 21-year study conducted by a group of Swiss researchers, who focusing on the of the paper......genetic mutations, congenital defects, nervous system disorders, immune and endocrine dysfunctions. With all the side effects of conventional farming there should be no question of whether or not organic farming can sustain the world. We need to start treating the world like a precious commodity, otherwise we won't be here worrying about where our food comes from. With any type of agriculture, be it conventional or organic, there is a need for distribution which in turn also contributes to the ruin of a cleaner planet. However, I believe organic farming is definitely a step in the right direction. The necessary materials are right there. I think every community needs to push for local suppliers and producers. This action plan would not only boost that community's economy but also create a healthier environment.