Topic > Changing the Conflict Landscape: Implications for Intel...

Reducing large horizontal inequalities is essential to eliminating a major source of conflict. Policies that reduce private incentives to fight are also needed, especially once conflict is underway. Above all, we need to ensure an inclusive government – ​​politically, economically and socially – and a thriving economy so that all major groups and most individuals benefit from participating in the normal economy. From a political perspective, inclusive government is not simply a matter of democracy; Majority-based democracy can lead to oppression of minorities. Conflict is greatest in semi-democracies or governments in transition and least between consolidated democracies and authoritarian regimes.26 Democratic institutions must be inclusive at all levels: for example, voting systems should ensure that all major groups are represented in the government. Examples of this are the recent Constitution adopted for the government of Northern Ireland and the proposals for Afghanistan and Burundi