Note that the volume of waste decreased significantly even though both the population and gross domestic product increased after the implementation of the scheme. His example of Taiwan can demonstrate that “source reduction” is the fundamental solution to solving the waste problem. To solve the waste problem, the Hong Kong government appears to be actively seeking solutions. The government, however, is overlooking the key element of the problem. It has been noted that the construction of the incinerator or the expansion of the landfill area are only methods to address the problem on the surface, but not at the root. Although the government claims to have “learned from the experiences of other megacities in the region at a similar stage of economic development” (Green Hong Kong, February 2011. 1), namely Taiwan, Japan and Singapore, it is actually misleading the general public. public. The countries mentioned above do not use incinerators as the "only" treatment, nor as the "main option" of waste management, it is noted that there are many policies to coordinate with. They are using the “Producer Responsibility Scheme” instead. Through close coordination of