Topic > Analysis of Kant's theory of objectification in...

Question 1 Looking at Kant's theory of objectification was eye-opening for me. His thoughts and philosophies on objectification were creative. When women or men seek sexual encounters outside of a marriage or partnership, this can be problematic and be seen as objectification. The definition of objectification is seeing or treating a person, usually a woman, as an object and not as a human being. Since Kant was talking about humanity, it was related to the definition. When we talked about humanity we were talking about a person who was not a human being, but an object from which someone could get something, mainly in the sexual realm. As Kant spoke, the third reasoning of objectification was sexual desire and how we feel about people. Equally problematic means: the women in the film were sex workers at an early age in their lives. Dealing with all kinds of personal experiences that have shaped them into the women they are. One of the women remembered finding her mother's makeup kit and a drawer full of colorful bras and panties. He asked his mother if she was a stripper. At that age she was disgusted and almost embarrassed by her mother. He didn't think it was right for his mother or any mother. Looking at Kant's theory, he talked about why we as people may not act on humiliating things initially, but later when they find someone desirable things are changed. With this lady in particular, she felt that her mother was disgusting for participating in such acts, but here she ends up in a similar industry, perhaps worse. Somehow he found someone he wanted enough to do something he at one point thought was morally wrong to please him. Yes means yes, but in some cases yes can also mean no. When a woman gives a man all the right signals to move forward and have sex, but then when he initiates the act he says no. His yes signs now verbally say NO loud and clear. My consent is verbal and there is no verbal agreement between the parties. Even if one party gives the other person verbal, but not nonverbal, consent, there is no consent. In my opinion, consent is a two-part thing. When consent is not given, you are likely to think that someone has stolen something, whether it is a woman's virginity, a car, a laptop, etc. Consent is used in everyday life not only when talking about sex, but if a child asks a parent to go somewhere and the parent doesn't give consent to the child, the child will stop and not do it. On the other hand, if the child does it anyway, he will face the consequences of his action later when the parent finds out