Homosexuality, nature or nurture? Homosexuality has become a big problem in our life today. Gay rights activists made their voices heard; this attracted the attention of the population, making them take note of their cause. The Church has not been able to escape the powerful political and social pressure of homosexuality. Some churches have accepted homosexuality, but many still do not accept homosexuals, claiming that it is unnatural and not what "God" intended for man. The Church maintains that whatever decisions were made, they were made on the basis of Christian moral principles. The Old Testament clearly prohibits homosexual practices and in Leviticus 20:13 we read: "If there is a man who lies with a man as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed an abominable act; they will certainly be put to death . "(Pyne, 1992, http://www.probe.org/docs/homosex1.html) To address the question of whether homosexuality arises from biological determinism (nature) or from influences experienced by the surrounding environment (culture), in 1973 the APA (Americanpsychiatric Association), under strong pressure from gay rights activists, classified homosexuality under the heading sexual orientation disorder. Sexual orientation refers to an individual's sexual attraction to people of a particular gender. Heterosexuals show this attraction towards members of the opposite sex, homosexuals show it towards members who are of the same sex. According to Gross, McIlveen, Coolican, Clamp, & Russell, 2000, 3-4% of men are exclusively homosexual compared to approximately 1% of women. Second... half of the article......new introduction: Hodder & StoughtonPyne, 1992, http://www.probe.org/docs/homosex1.html, 04/2002Saunders and Pickering, 1997, http: / /www.cmf,org,uk/pubs/nucleus/nucoct97/cause.htm: 04/2002BibliographyBailey, 1991,http://www-2.cs.cmu.edu/afs/cs.cmu.edu/user/scotts /bulgarians/nature-nurture/bailey-pil.html:04/2002Blum, 1997, http://www.worldpolicy.org/americas/sexorient/twins.html:04/2002Bourne, Russo, 1998, Psychology: Behavior in Context : Norton.Cameron, http://www.familyresearchinst.org/FRI_EduPamphlet5.html:04/2002McIlveen, Coolican, Clamp and Russell, 2000, Psychology, a new introduction: Hodder & StoughtonPyne, 1992, http://www.probe .org/docs/homosex1.html, 04/2002Saunders and Pickering, 1997, http://www.cmf,org,uk/pubs/nucleus/nucoct97/cause.htm : 04/2002