Topic > What are the advantages and disadvantages of sampling…

They may also use cluster sampling, a selection method in which researchers choose samples based on how they identify with each other. Then, researchers randomly select samples from this group. In stratified random sampling, researchers create clusters of the entire population before choosing candidates. Advantages and Disadvantages of Criminal Sampling The various sampling methods used by researchers have advantages and disadvantages. Random sampling does a good job of representing an entire population. However, researchers may have difficulty establishing a comprehensive list of a given population. The time and expense required to do so can make the task impossible. Additionally, separating members from their group for research can prove disturbing to the target. Another problem is that by the time researchers have completed a study using this method, the sample parameters can change, nullifying the research findings. Stratified random sampling ensures that a study represents specific groups. However, this method is complex and requires great effort and diligence. Cluster sampling allows researchers to make random selections with a limited population. The disadvantage of this method is that the clusters must accurately represent the target population and the cluster traits may not align with the needed population