The last year, March 2015, which ended the year, saw the lowest crime rate in 33 years. The low crime rate can be influenced by three significant factors: education, government/welfare policy, and law enforcement. Crime statistics relate to the safety of life in this area. Reference Garside, R. (2008) What rises when markets slow down? Retrieved from N. Gallo (1998) Effective law enforcement techniques for reducing crime. Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, 88(11), 1475 -1488Joseph Rowntree Foundation (2014) Reducing poverty in the UK: a collection of evidence reviews. YorkLehrer, E. (2000) Crime and the economy: what is the connection? Retrieved from (2015) Classification of crimes, retrieved from /criminal-law-basics/classification-of-crimes.htmlMachin, S. Marie, O. and Vujić, S. (2011) The Crime Reducing Effect of Education. The Economic Journal, 121 (May) 463-484. Office for National Statistics. (2015) Crime in England and Wales, year ending March 2015 Retrieved from