The Bible is not a geography book, but whenever it refers to geography, it is accurate. Again, the Bible is not a science book, but it is scientifically correct in every case where it touches on a scientific fact. In all the years of archaeological research and study of ancient history, the Bible has never been found to be in error. in the mention of cities, people, kings, monuments or events. The mere mention of some fact in the Bible has often served as a “springboard” for great minds to learn so much about this world we live in. For example, the treasure that is enclosed in a snowflake or the importance of the leaf and the value of the seas are just a few. The man who charted ocean routes for great seagoing ships got his idea from the Bible. One day, while reading the Old Testament, he came across the statement, “Paths of the sea” (Isaiah 43:16). He said, “If the Bible says there are paths in the sea, there certainly are.” He began research on the ocean floor and discovered that the sea, in fact, has paths. Today, large seagoing ships travel from continent to continent along those