Topic > part-time - 876

Part-time Jobs for Students Part-time jobs help students discover many important lessons that can last a lifetime. Even though having a job while studying is a challenge, students can still learn to handle responsibilities and be able to depend on themselves. Students will communicate with people while working and this will make them have more relationships. Some students are forced to have part-time jobs because they struggle with financial difficulties. The reason why some students need part-time jobs is to help their parents meet their needs. However, many people are against the idea of ​​students having part-time jobs because they think it is the reason for academic failure. There are many benefits to a student working part-time, such as having better time management skills, gaining experience, and learning the value of money. First of all, students who work part-time will have good time management. These students will not have difficulty doing their homework and will have enough time to do other things. Jibril (2012) states in his article that students who work part-time and attend schools will be more prepared and planned. Students will have more commitments and it will be mandatory for them to organize their own time to carry out their requests. Furthermore, it is important for students to manage their time so that it is easier for them to succeed in their studies. Making a plan to manage students' time helps them a lot, it is the best way to organize themselves between study, work and other activities. However, students who do not organize their time well will get lost in their studies and work. Students with part-time jobs are better able to understand the value of time, so that ... while studying papers ... or during holidays and focus on homework during school days. Additionally, part-time work has many benefits for students who take their work and learning seriously. In conclusion, there are three main advantages that benefit the student in having a part-time job: having good organizational skills, increasing knowledge and understanding the importance of money. Students will be able to manage their time, so that they have enough time to share with their family. Many students will learn new information during their work and use it in their future careers. Furthermore, they will only use the money for necessary needs. The student who wants to work must be serious, he must concentrate both on study and on work. Also, they should not give up if they face any difficulties, they must face them with a positive attitude and work harder.