Topic > Depression - 691

Most people experience feelings of sadness or depression as normal responses to life difficulties, such as loss or damage to self-esteem. However, there are those who experience extreme sadness or hopelessness and include feelings of helplessness, worthlessness, or hopelessness. These individuals likely suffer from clinical depression. Depression is a real illness that affects approximately 17 million Americans with the potential to seriously impair their ability to function in everyday situations. Depression can bring with it many harmful consequences on relationships, family and work productivity. There are different types of depression that have different sets of symptoms, including thoughts of death or suicide. Other symptoms include depressed mood for much of the day, tiredness or loss of daily energy, feelings of worthlessness or guilt, impaired concentration, insomnia or hypersomnia, marked decrease in pleasure in activities, feelings of restlessness, and significant weight loss or gain. According to the DSM V, in order to be diagnosed as depression, at least 5 symptoms must be present at the same time. Identifying the causes of depression is not an easy task with a single answer. It is believed that depression is likely the result of a combination of genetic, biochemical, environmental and psychological factors. However, depression is a highly treatable disease using methods such as psychotherapy and medications. With the proper treatment plan, the recovery rate for depressed individuals is high. Different forms of depression include major depression, dysthymic disorder, psychotic depression, and seasonal affective disorder (SAD), with major depression and dysthymic disorders being the most common. Major depression, also called major depression... half of the document ......session can dramatically improve the symptoms of depression can regain control of your life. ReferencesAbrahamson, PhD, DJ, Hornyak, PhD, LM, & Rehm, Ph.D., LP (2010). Depression and how psychotherapy and other treatments can help people recover. American Psychological Association. Retrieved April 13, 2014, from, S. K., & White, J. N. (2012). Psychology / Saundra K. Ciccarelli, J. Noland White. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.Moy, R.D. (2009). Mental depression: forms, causes and treatment. Retrieved April 12, 2014, from"What is depression? | Understanding sadness and clinical depression." WebMD. WebMD, 2012. Web. 12 April. 2014. .