Topic > Biblical Theology of Exodus - 962

The Exodus is the familiar story of the nation of Israel. The people chosen by God are brought out of slavery, after a series of plagues against Egypt and into the desert in search of the promised land. (Ex. 7-14) Throughout Exodus, God reveals his character in two major themes, one through the constant redemption of his people (Ex. 14-30) and his power and superiority. The word Exodus means "departure" or "exit" and God continually provides a way of escape for his people throughout the Exodus (Exodus 12 and 14) and throughout the Bible up to the New Testament (1 Corinthians 10:1- 13). )In Exodus chapter 3, Moses is commissioned by God to bring his people out of Egypt and be a key figure in God's plan of redemption. This would require Moses to approach Pharaoh and ask for the release of his people (Exodus 6:10-11). God hardened the hearts of the Pharaohs, this may not seem logical but it gave God the opportunity to display his power and glory. (Ex. 10:1-2) As a result, God sent ten terrible plagues to attack the Egyptian deities, economy, and agriculture. God also reveals his plan of redemption through the hardening of Pharaoh's heart. On numerous occasions God hardened the hearts of the Pharaohs. (Ex. 10:1-2) “The first two references to God's hardening of Pharaoh's heart (Ex. 4:21; 7:3) were actually predictions that he would do so in the future. Then in the next seven references Pharaoh is said to have hardened his heart (Ex. 7:13-14, 22; 8:15, 19, 32; 9:7) before God is said to have hardened him (Ex. 9 :12; 10:1, 20, 27; God uses people to fulfill His unique plan. In God's wisdom he used Pharaoh and his hardened heart to reveal His glory ; one redemption you need to look at is that...... middle of paper......, Peter. Grand Rapids, MI: ZondervanPublishingHouse, 2000. PrintDrane , J.W. (2000). Presentation of the Old Testament (Completely revised and updated.) (46). Oxford: Commentary on knowledge of the Bible: an exposition of the Scriptures (1:113). Wheaton, IL: Victor Books.Edersheim, A. (1997). Oak Harbor: Logos Research Systems, Inc."The Power of God | - The World's Largest Bible Study Site." Free NET Bible and thousands of Bible studies | - The largest Bible study site in the world. Network. 02 March 2011. .Enns, Peter. Exodus. Grand Rapids, MI: ZondervanPublishingHouse, 2000. Print