Topic > An analysis of Cathy Davidson's classroom learning project

In the article, Cathy Davidson states: "While formal education typically teaches hierarchies about what is worth paying attention to, crowdsourcing works in a different, in that it assumes that none of us individually are smarter than all of us collectively. No matter how expert we are, no matter how brilliant, we can improve, we can learn, sharing insights and working together collectively.” group and sharing of information and knowledge between them. Using these advanced electronic devices, students can download and purchase electronic textbooks online and carry them with them with their mobile phones; using these devices, students can complete homework online, no matter where they are , professors have a new way of posting assignments and a new way of teaching. And all these changes and agreements are not limited by place and time. In movement, classrooms or study rooms can flow anywhere. Compared to the pass-day, it is the new definition and configuration of education. Unquestionably, it completely transforms the patterns that individuals were used to