Topic > Fast Food - 721

Fast Food Restaurants Besides eating fast food, it shapes your life horribly, the consequences can be becoming obese, having diabetes and becoming lazy. In today's society almost everyone eats fast food. Many people eat quickly every day. Every day, fifty million Americans are served in a fast food restaurant. People rely on fast food restaurants because they're cheap, they taste good, and it's an easy way to not have to cook a meal at home, but almost no one realizes how harmful it is. In the United States, 35 out of 100 children are overweight. Shanthy Bowman conducted a study on 6,000 children. Over two days, each child consumed 187 more calories in fast food than they would have consumed eating at home. Eating more calories than your body uses for energy turns all your access calories into body fat. Bowman found that many of the children who eat fast food gain at least 6 extra pounds in a year. Which means those children are more prone to the risk of becoming obese. In 30 years, fast food restaurants have more than doubled nationwide. Experts say that for this reason the number of children eating fast food has increased fivefold. Children who don't eat fruits and vegetables can become obese and develop health problems. Such health problems include diabetes, obesity and cancer. Many more people need to be aware of the health problems caused by fast food. Eating quickly every now and then can't hurt you, but eating too much can cause serious problems. Fast food contains too many calories, salt and arteries and clogs up cholesterol. In 1967, the FDA conducted 50,000 food safety inspections. In 2006, the FDA conducted only 9,164. Many large fast food companies need something to kill major diseases found in processed foods, so they use ammonia, which is also… half the paper… restaurants. You have to watch what you eat. A fast food breakfast can easily put you at or above your daily limit for fat, cholesterol and carbohydrates. But few fast food restaurants actually offer healthier choices; these are the places you need to go. “If possible, look at the menu in advance. This way you will have more time to make a healthier choice,” explains De Jesus. Reasons not to eat fast food. It puts too many calories into the body. Sometimes it breaks the bond with family. It makes you lazy. It can give you diabetes type 2. It can make you obese. Depression. Nutritional deficiencies. Fast food isn't always bad. If you watch what you eat at fast food restaurants, you shouldn't worry. But many people don't pay attention to what they eat and don't notice the problems health problems they can develop, such as diabetes, obesity and many others.