Afghanistan was used as a buffer zone during the Great Game by the Soviet Union and Great Britain. They have not provided Afghanistan with the means to industrialize and that is why Afghanistan remains a subsistence agriculture and reinter state. With the decline of colonialism after the third Angolan-Afghan war, Afghanistan was declared independent (Barfield). When Amanullah Khan ascended the throne he was very keen on developing a strong and modern state. Before Amanullah Khan only some efforts had been made for state building according to Charles Tilly who was exterminating his internal rival, during the reign of Amir Abdul Rahman Khan, he centralized power. The trepidation that exists among most Afghan leaders, especially Abdul Rahman Khan, was that he was afraid to modernize the country and did not build the railway because he assumed that once the railway was built it would open the door to invasion by the superpower . And because of territorial integrity, Abdul Rahman Khan ignored direct British involvement in building infrastructure. Instead, Abdul Rahman Khan relied primarily on subsidiaries that, as a result, Afghanistan remain “reinter state” (Barfied, 2010). As Tilly argues, state-building features worked in Europe thanks to industrialization supported by capitalism. The state became powerful in bringing producers under its supervision. Charles Tilly argues that war formulates the state and exploitation under duress played a vital role in the creation of European states. Furthermore, Tilly makes it very clear that in Europe the process of state-building and mercantile capitalism reinforced each other (Tilly 1985). By this he means the four main aspects of state-building: state-building, war-building, extraction and protection. These mountains formed a huge barrier against the construction of Afghanistan's infrastructure because no ring road was built during the reign of Amanullah Khan. Therefore, because there was a lack of infrastructure, the national economy did not develop. The materialization of a national market is critical to modernization, but these mountains have not enabled economic interaction among Afghans to shape a national market for Afghanistan. Since the national economy of Afghanistan did not emerge, the economy remained subsisting. However, it introduced the monetized economy, but it never worked in the mountainous rural areas because it was difficult to access at that time. In contrast, Turkey is flat and does not have mountainous terrain which is very easy to infiltrate throughout the country and create a domestic market..