Of all the educational resources a student is exposed to, approximately 75% are accessible in school, cites nces.ed.gov. These resources include internet access, a library, and teacher assistance, but what about the other 25%? Students who have no limits on their resources tend to have higher success rates throughout high school, a situation that is often misunderstood. Similarly, 25% of pupils who do not have access to resources outside of school appear discouraged in attempting to complete their higher education. In order for those 25% to meet their academic standards, society must recognize aspects of a student's education. Personal morality and unequal opportunities to access certain resources are major indicators of a student's academic success. A student's academic success includes many different aspects. When evaluating your success, each component plays a key role in your path to earning your high school diploma. Close examination of controversial issues in the education system has led to the belief that if students were more empowered to access better quality education, they would be more active in achieving higher standards. Unfortunately, teenagers fall into the stereotype of everyday life. If stereotypes of underrepresented groups are always associated with lack of achievement, they will eventually adopt the idea of underachievement. All over the world, stereotypes prevent teenagers from overcoming difficulties and being the person they want to be. Parenting and education are the main sources of morals that one will adopt and use to progress in life. Parental involvement in a teenager's life is an important... middle of paper... is validated because those students and teachers at that high school believe they can't do better, so they don't; however, for two years, 2008 and 2009, the CDEHS had a higher graduation rate than the CDHS expected. Although the resources at both schools are the same, the way students use them is often divergent. Overall, in addition to the resources provided by a school, availability must be examined when evaluating a student's opportunity to learn. Even with regards to the morals implied by one's parents, these factors will influence a student's work ethic and success. One might believe that if students had more input into their education, then students would not so easily fall into a stereotype and look forward to their education. Academic success is determined by various latent factors that are often overlooked.