They seemed to believe that if I kept coming back to the cult, if I kept going home, things would eventually fall into place. (Norris 63). Although the feelings of ambiguity and doubt seemed overwhelming, the contribution of the exoteric community prompted the need to continue and thus ultimately assist in the development of a foundation that would support the capacity for internal experience. He further goes on to say that “if I had to find one word to describe the way faith took hold in me, it would be “repetition.” Repetition as Kierkegaard understood it, as “the daily bread of life that satisfies with blessing”. Repetition as in a hymn like “Amazing Grace,” or in the ballad form, in poetry, where although the refrain is the same from verse to verse, it conveys something different each time it is repeated…” (Norris 64) which again vault holds the theory that exo can in fact have a large impact on the occurrence of exo since it has the definite ability to provide a metaphorical structure so that it can exist structurally. Despite their individual importance, tension is still high within the great monotheistic religions of Christianity, Judaism, and Judaism