One of the most misunderstood characters in Jean Rhys' The Great Sargasso Sea is Christophine. Christophine was a wedding gift for Antoinette's mother and from then on she was a slave in their family. The reason she is so misunderstood is because it is never explicitly revealed in the text whether she is "good" or "bad". Her involvement in the practice of obeah adds to the mysterious air that surrounds her in the novel. Obeah is a practice that is not an official religion, but there is a community involved in the practice that has “a wide variety and range of beliefs and practices related to the control or channeling of supernatural/spiritual forces” (Bilby 153) . Practices are performed “by particular individuals or groups for their own needs or on behalf of clients who come seeking help” (Bilby 154). The practice went from having an acceptable reputation to a negative one. As the years passed in times of slavery, and especially during post-emancipation times, obeah increasingly gained a reputation as witchcraft or witchcraft and was said to be used to bring harm to people (Bilby 153). The positive aspects of obeah were soon given minimal attention, while the negative aspects and disapproving stereotypes were on the rise. The negativity was so widespread and contagious that even some West Indians involved in the practice began to take a pessimistic view (Bilby 153). This negative view followed obeah in the novel Wide Sargasso Sea. The practice was shown in a very negative light in the novel, especially through Christophine. Christophine is a representation of obeah in the novel. At many points in the story, Christophine's involvement in obeah practices is described as the m...... middle of paper...... in history books, obeah has received a bad name even in novel Wide Sargasso Sea. The character Christophine acted as a representation of obeah in the novel. She was constantly shown in a negative light in the novel. Negative portrayals ranged from him being extremely feared by the people in the town, to being accused of poisoning Antoinette's husband, and to him spending time in prison. Since Christophine is the representation of obeah in the novel, this gives the practice a bad name as well as the character. It is unfair that obeah has been given a bad name due to racism, and it is truly unfortunate that a bad name has followed the practice to this day. Obeah is not something that should be feared, but it has been given that reputation through stereotypes and social media, which is damage that may never be able to be repaired in society..