The career path I chose to follow was entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship is becoming increasingly popular as many more countries and organizations are seeking to engage their young people at an early age in entrepreneurship with the explicit purpose of ensuring that innovation and entrepreneurship will thrive in the future (Mark). I want to become a successful entrepreneur because it has always been a dream of mine to become self-employed. I believe I have the leadership, passion, courage, vision and tenacity to start my own business and be successful. The business landscape is constantly evolving and presents new challenges for entrepreneurs (Hanna, 2012). According to Lisa Mitchell, vice president for advancing innovation at the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation, the global trend is the most important one. Companies are starting globally instead of the traditional way of starting locally, then in your region, and finally in your country. Additionally, women entering the career field of self-employment and small business ownership are also on the rise. Women are believed to have been driven into self-employment by the promise of independence, flexibility and the opportunity to escape barriers into paid work. Over the past two decades, the number of self-employed women has nearly tripled and they now represent over a third of all self-employed workers (Statistics Canada, 1997). Your salary is one of the important things you took note of while having a career in entrepreneurship. You need to know how and the different ways to pay yourself. You have to pay yourself enough to make it. Get enough money for what you need, not what you want. That said, there are several factors, such as the legal form of the operation and… the paper part… bankruptcy help. Finally, they are able to find a balance between family and work life and have a strong support system from their family members. ReferencesMark, M. (n.d.) Entrepreneurship as a Career Option [Web log message]. Retrieved from, J. (2012, March 09). The world and women: current entrepreneurial trends and their challenges. Retrieved from, K. D. (2003). Pushed or pulled? Women's entry into self-employment and small business ownership. Gender, Work and Organization, 10(4), 433-454. doi:10.1111/1468-0432.00205Paying Yourself: From Startup and Beyond. (2011). Retrieved from