On January 15, 2004, Al Gore gave a speech on global warming and the environment. He showed us what the scientific community has been warning us about about the future of our planet. He won an Academy Award in 2006 for his film "The Inconvenient Truth," a documentary on global warming, and was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007 for his work on climate change. He is also the founder of the Climate Protection Alliances. However, there are some politicians who believe that climate change is real, however human activity is not the cause. The climate has always changed over the years and will continue to do so, but we cannot change the climate. Until all politicians accept the fact that there is a global climate crisis, we will not be able to progress towards resolutions to reduce gas emissions into the atmosphere. It is sad that our nations' leaders have chosen to make climate change a political issue. Most of the opposition stems from the Republican Party and its refusal to accept that climate change is real and that human activities are contributing to rising temperatures and changing weather patterns. It is noteworthy to note that since 2005 our politicians have been saying that climate change was real and now that, almost a decade later, there is still no action plan in place with a timeline for resolutions and adoptions on how to achieve, stop and reverse the excessive use of, primarily, fossil fuels. Al Gore wrote an article on June 25, 2013 titled “The Best Presidential Speech on Climate Change Ever.” Al Gore said it was a "historic speech." President Barack Obama, in his State of the Union address on June 25, 2013, spoke about global warming and his plans for a new