Topic > The Ins and Outs of Computer Language - 1318

The increased amount of data comes from Moore's law, the observation that the number of transistors on integrated circuits doubles every year since its invention, and the growing amount of storage space for such database data. More data means more things to do with that data. The code for fourth-generation languages ​​is also closer to human language, allowing people who may not even be programmers to understand its meaning. In practice, fourth generation languages ​​are similar to third generation languages ​​with the addition of their interaction with databases. The fifth generation is still a relatively young experimental generation. The two main aspects of fifth-generation languages ​​are that they work with artificial intelligence (AI) and they support the creation of visual interfaces. Artificial intelligence is where the program solves a problem based on user-provided constraints or external stimuli, rather than on a static set of instructions previously created by the programmer. Some current examples are Google's self-driving car or, to a lesser extent, voice control over a