Technology in Dance Education Dance education is one of the fine arts taught in many schools here in the United States today. He has a way of creating a great learning environment for students and teachers through movement and interpretation of movement. Technology has also had a great impact on society. It has been woven into all public schools through the use of computers, televisions, radios and intercom systems. Transform the lighting on each stage to show depth, life and convey the message of the dance more clearly. Technology has now been intertwined in Dance Education. Technology supports dance education in primary and secondary schools in a positive way. Is it useful? If so, how can it support fine arts education in our primary and secondary schools? Dance gets students to use creative thinking Dance education gets students to use their creative thinking styles. Dance is an art form, it can be interpreted in many ways both by those who dance and by the audience watching. Many schools have begun to develop curricula and goals that dance education teachers and students in K-12 schools will be able to follow to ensure it is taught correctly. “The theory of multiple intelligences validates dance as a domain of knowledge.” (Warburton, EC 2003) In the book Dance Education in American Public Schools many schools were interviewed and asked to provide information about their schools' dance programs. Appendix E2 of the book states that “Dance in education provides students with alternative forms of communication and ways of learning that integrate the creative and critical capacities of the mind.” (Knowles, P 1991). There were also goals in this as Columbus, Ohio public schools would... half of the paper ......ance Education, Texas, CEDFA Retrieved from the Web February 15, 2004 Antifaiff, G (2000) Technology Integration in the curriculum, University of Saskatchewan, Form retrieved from the web April 25, 2004 Dance Education Organization, Bethesda, MD Retrieved from the Web, April 25, 2004http: //, B Leaping into Dance Technology, New York University Retrieved from Web April 25,2004 pdfInteractive Media Technology Center, The Dance Technology Project Retrieved from the Web April 25, 2004 /projects/culture/dance.htmlNorth Carolina Department of Education, Dance, Retrieved from the Web April 25, 2004