Topic > Analysis of the Movie "Shadows and Lights" by Ruby

Lemelson starts this movie by explaining why he is there, the local religion, and things like karma. The subject, Kerata, explains that he has visions of what he thinks is Rangda. According to Balinese mythology, Rangda is a child-eating demon queen. Another explanation is that, just as his brother had claimed, these visions began after consuming eels contaminated (with pesticides) from rice fields. According to local doctors, the fact that Kerata ate contaminated eels may have affected his wife's pregnancy. His wife had a miscarriage. Kerata goes to visit a traditional healer. Kerata and his wife say they do not believe in this form of medicine and that Western medicine is more effective. The strange thing is that the husband, despite not believing it, claims to have felt a bit of burning, to which the wife replies: "well, it was worse than I thought". Later in the film, years later, a third reason is presented as to why this mental illness was caused. Kerata feels attached to a military uniform. He claims to feel comfortable and safe, but then talks about a war that happened and how he believes he was there because he is so interested in it.