Topic > Market research: primary research vs. secondary

Marketing research: primary research vs. secondary“Primary data is collected specifically for the research project in question. Secondary data is data that has previously been collected for some other purpose. (Burns and Bush, 2006). This article will explore the differences in primary and secondary research when using qualitative and quantitative approaches. The document will further discuss the tools used for each approach. Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches “Quantitative research is defined as research involving the use of structured questions in which response options have been predetermined and a large number of respondents are involved.” (Burns and Bush, 2006). Quantitative research is associated with more traditional industrial research. The purpose of quantitative research is very clear and well defined. With this type of research, managers and researchers are in agreement and have agreed on specific information that will be needed for research of a numerical nature. On the other hand, “qualitative research involves collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data by observing what people do and say.” (Burns & Bush, 2006). By examining the differences in primary and secondary research using qualitative and quantitative approaches, primary research can take the form of both quantitative and qualitative research. Primary research is generated by asking questions, conducting trails, surveys and is collected from an original source. Therefore, the quantitative research conducted will have a more scientific approach. There will be structured questions or a formulated hypothesis and the researchers' position is to prove or disprove that hypothesis through the collection and analysis of results. The from... half of the article... can be used for both primary and secondary search results. Works Cited Burns, A. C., & Bush, R. F. (2006). Observation, focus groups and other qualitative methods. Marketing Research, (5th ed.). Prentice Hall, Inc. Healey, M., (2012). Tools for qualitative research. Retrieved from:, B. (2012). Retrieved from: –and-qualitative-res…Vitez, O. (1999 – 2012). Quantitative business tools. Retrieved from:, B., (1999-2012). Comparing Qualitative and Quantitative Research Retrieved from:…