Each of the children could be classified into one of Chess and Thomas' temperament categories. First of all, Ponijao could be considered an easy child as she is usually in an upbeat mood. She enjoys playing with others, is curious and is happy to explore on her own. An example of this is when he crawls through a mud puddle just because he wants to. Afterwards, Bayar seems like a child who is slow to warm up. He is very tolerant of his surroundings, including his older brother and all the farm animals that live around him. In one scene in the film, a rooster jumps into his bed and wanders around, but Bayar doesn't even seem to care. He is not very active and is also content just being alone, and rarely gets angry but rarely gets very excited about anything. Finally, both Mari and Hattie seem like difficult children. Mari seems to cry most of the time. He throws a huge tantrum when he can't complete the puzzle and cries loudly when he sees a zoo animal. Hattie is less irritable but still presents many challenges to her parents. He seems to dislike any change and wants to be more independent. Try to feed yourself well before other children try to do the same. During a lesson with her parents, while they are singing a song, she gets up and walks towards the door as if ready to go out. Children present temperament as influenced primarily by nature, but it is possible that nurture is one of them