Topic > The Practice of Religion in Public Schools - 749

The Practice of Religion in Public Schools The “establishment” or “religion” clause of the First Amendment to the Constitution reads: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of an religion, or prohibit its free exercise” (Education Week, 2003, par. 2). It is from this clause that the idea of ​​separation of Church and State derives. It is also the basis of much of the debate regarding the practice of religion in public schools (Education Week, 2003). One of the big questions regarding religion is where to draw the line between separation of church and state and religious freedom. The practice of religion in public schools can balance these two goals by allowing students to individually exercise their religious freedom, as long as they do not interfere with that of other students. Throughout the twentieth century, the U.S. Supreme Court has protected the rights of students to practice their religious beliefs, as long as they are not “disruptive, discriminatory, or coercive toward peers who may not share those same beliefs” (Education Weekly, 2003 , par. 3). In 1943, the Supreme Court's ruling in West Virginia State Board of Education v. Barnette established that students could not be "forced to salute the flag or take the Pledge of Allegiance if it violates the conscience of the individual" (First Amendment Cyber Tribune, 2002). . The 1963 decision in Engel v. Vitale made school prayer unconstitutional, and similarly found school prayer during graduation ceremonies in his Lee v. Weisman 1992 (First Amendment Cyber ​​Tribune, 2002). Student-led prayer at public school football games was ruled unconstitutional in 2000 in Santa Fe Independent School District v. Doe (First Amendment C...... half of document ......the) . Religion in schools. Retrieved April 30, 2003, from This website has provided a summary of the issue of religion in schools and reviewed several Supreme Court decisions related to the issue.First Amendment Cyber ​​Tribune. (2002, July). Freedom of Religion: A comprehensive view of religious freedom as defined by U.S. Supreme Court cases. Retrieved May 3, 2003, from This website lists several Supreme Court cases addressing the issue of religion in schools and provides brief explanations of each opinion. Riley R Religious expression in public schools. Retrieved May 3, 2003, from This website provides a copy of the U.S. Secretary of Education's guidance on religious expression in public schools..